Sunday, June 8, 2008

Norwegian verbs - norsk verb

4 classes of verbs (4 klasser verb):
1.) Infinitive verbs with 2 or 3 consonants before the last letter which is e. (å snakke, å krangle)
2.) Infinitive verbs with 1 consonant before the last letter which is e (å lese, å spare)
3.) Infinitive verbs with consonant letter "v" and letters "ei" before the last letter which is e (å prøve, å veie)
4.) Infinitive verbs which are usually short and without the last letter "e"(å bo, å snu)

Let us take those examples to make it clear .

KlasseInfinitivPreteritumPerfektum (å ha +)
1å snakkesnakketå ha snakket

å kranglekrangletå ha kranglet
conclusion: we just need to add "t" at the end of the infinitive verb for both preteritm and perfektum.

KlasseInfinitivPreteritumPerfektum (å ha +)
2å leselesteå ha lest

å sparesparteå ha spart
conclusion: we have to remove the last letter which is "e" and replace it with "te" for preteritum and only "t" for perfektum

KlasseInfinitivPreteritumPerfektum (å ha +)
3å prøveprøvdeå ha prøvd

å veieveideå ha veid
conclusion: we have to remove the last letter which is "e" and replace it with "de" for preteritum and only "d" for perfektum

KlasseInfinitivPreteritumPerfektum (å ha +)
4å boboddeå ha bodd

å snusnuddeå ha snudd
conclusion: we dont have to remove anything", we just need to add letters "dde" for the preteritum and letters "dd" with perfektum

In every rule, there is always an exemption.........

The 4 classes of verbs (4 norsk klasser verb) are just fine because they are complying within the rule, but having these irregular verbs and special cases (uregelmessige og spesiell verb), I think we need an extra effort for it. Let us just consider that they are the spises of verbs. So don't worry, you don't have to be pressured memorizing them because, gradually you will be getting used to them. I will tell you, it will be magic and that is a promise.....

KlasseInfinitivPreteritumPerfektum (å ha +)
urregelmessige verbå sovesovå ha sovet

å hahaddeå ha hatt

å blibleå ha blitt

å værevarå ha vært
conclusion: There are no rules with irregular verbs (irregelmessige verb) but as I've said, you will get used to them.

OBS!!!! Maybe you forgot the norwegian nouns (substantiv e.g. et barn, mange barn, en gutt og mange gutter er riktig, men mange barner er galt). They also have these "uregelmessige og spesiell substantiv". I told you!!! In every rule, there is always an exemption.......


Anonymous said...

An important link to Norwegian Grammar.


James said...

Thanks, and now you are contributing..... Just keep in touch....

Anonymous said...

Exceptions are everywhere ofcourse, but I often see words with two consonants, such as spille, grille, glemme and so on that do not have the "et" extension in preteritum but rather "te". Is there are rule for these as well?

Go! Simple said...

Nice that there is more and more blogs, which teach norwegian :)
Visit also my blog: